Saturday, April 26, 2014

Motivation, Part 1

It has been suggested that I do a post on motivation.  I will let you know now that as I start this first rough draft, it is in the first half of the month of April, 2014.  I have no idea when this will be ready to post.  I have no inkling on how to discuss this subject, or even examples that I can use.  Examples put pictures in people’s minds, and they can remember things better and longer.  Also, though I don’t know where, what, or how this will come about, I also feel that it will take two, three, or more postings to explain it all.

I can only say confidence grows when one starts to do things him or herself.  We don’t do anyone a favor by doing something for them over and over again, that they are capable of doing, or need to do.  I remember as if it was yesterday, the first day on the phones, in a phone center.  We were well trained, and knew how to answer client’s questions.  We may stumble through the computer screens, but we knew enough that we needed to get on the phones and take calls.

I am glad no one was taking my blood pressure on that first call.  I am sure it was sky high, my heart was racing, and I was very nervous.  After the first few calls, my heart stopped racing.  A few more, and I was getting calm, and am sure my blood pressure was going down.  After only a few days, any nervousness was gone, and I was getting through the screens quite fine.  It wasn’t long before I was in a routine, and wondering why I was afraid to begin with.  So it is, I believe, with all things we try for the first time.  Perhaps not as stressed out as I was at that time, but there are always nerves, jitters and concerns of the unknown on things that we haven’t tried before..

I had the chance to spend almost two days with my mentor working on motivation.  I was somewhat amazed or puzzled why we went over so many different words, and their meanings, and having to clay out these concepts. However, I will do similarly here.  I will give you some words each day, and perhaps some challenges I had.  I hope as these next several posting goes along, you too, can ponder on this and perhaps develop greater self-motivation.

First, we start with the word change.  Change means something becoming something else.  That seems easy enough.  A seed turns into a plant.  That is something, becoming something else.  But you have to be careful here.  You cannot be involved here. Buds on a tree turn into leaves.  This is a change.  Leaves falling off of trees is change.  Something becoming something else is change. 

Now add this concept in with change to help you.  Time and change are the same thing.  You can’t have change without time, and you can’t have time without change.  A tree that falls over in the forest will change from a solid form, into compost over time.  And with each passing birthday, we notice change in our bodies.  Enough on that.

Now comes a part that really challenged me.  Consequence.  I was guilty of thinking consequence is always bad.  I think most of us are raised that way for whatever reason. I am sure we all heard if we don’t do homework, we will get bad grades.  But how often do we hear if we bring home all ‘A’s” we get to go out for dinner? I will say here, consequence is self-making change happen.  Example, it snows outside.  Change has happened.  I didn’t cause it to snow, but there is now snow on my driveway and sidewalk.  I can choose to shovel the snow, or leave it on the sidewalk.  The result of my consequence is either good or bad.  If I shovel the snow, I decreased the chance of someone slipping on my sidewalk and hurting themselves when the snow turns into ice, which is a change that we know will happen.  Thus, shoveling the snow is a consequence, self (me) making change happen, (removing snow from my driveway and sidewalk) which in and of itself is neither good, or bad.  

As I was going over this back and forth with my mentor, I created a new word as I came to this concept.  Everything we do is a consequence.  It is neither good.or bad, but the result of our consequence, or ‘action’ is either good or bad.  Hence, after I came home from a class one day with Cindy, I emailed her I was going outside ‘consequence-ing’, that is, remove the snow off my driveway.
Even as you read this post, you are ‘consequence-ing’, that is, self, making change happen.  You are thinking over in your mind what I have written.  You are making a decision if you agree with what I have said.  If you’re up to it, you will challenge what you have believed or understood about consequence, and see if you need to make a change in your mind.  All of your actions every day are consequences, as you (self) are making change happen. I put the seed into fertile ground, by taking it out of its package, and placing it in the ground .  This is consequence, self, (me) making change happen.  The seed sprouts, and turns into a plant.  Change has happened.   So I will end this post with ‘Happy consequence-ing’.

Next post:  Motivation, part 2


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