Monday, April 28, 2014

Motivation, Part 2

The next word or concept I had a really hard time accepting.  In fact, I have to review this often.  Perhaps when I have this concept mastered, I will have motivation mastered for life!

The law of nature says that to make change, force is applied, and resistance is encountered. For change to happen, force has to happen, and when there is force, resistance happens. Force can be pushing or pulling.

For whatever reason, I have been lead to believe force is evil, bad, wrong. (Please note, if you know me, you would know that I am a caring person, and to go about insulting or injuring anyone is not in my disposition.  However, in these post there could be, unintentionally, something someone would consider offensive.  However, as one who believes in right and wrong, good and evil, as there are opposites in all things in life, I am trying my best to be sensitive in what I write.  However, as these are experiences I have had in my life, I will write them as I experienced them.  I make no judgment here regarding anyone, but you do need to know a bit about me and my beliefs, to fully understand this challenge.)

I know when force is encountered, resistance will happen.  We see that everywhere we go.  I do it myself, and I see others resist if they feel they are being forced.  Yet, as I realize this force just applies to myself, I see things differently.  I am the only one who can change me.  I may have influence, great or small on others, but I can’t make them change.  I can only change myself.  And that takes a huge amount internal force.  The force comes at the point of contact.  I put that fork down and don’t eat more, in order to lose weight.  I open a book, so I can read it.  When I realized the only force here applies to what I do to myself, it helped me.  But we are applying force in our lives, anytime we do something.  Force, (perhaps mostly internal mental force) is required to make change happen.
So, if we know resistance will be incurred, we should expect that when we go about making a change.  In a simple case as picking up a glass that fell to the ground, force happens when we grip the cup, the point of contact.  Resistance happens to gravity, when we move it to the counter.   Thus, change is not complete, I believe, or is second nature to us, until we get to a point of no mental resistance on what we are trying to change.

Force can be pushing or pulling.  In a few cases, such as manually moving a heavy object, there may be some pushing and some pulling to accomplish the task at hand.  However, when it comes to people, I would think all of us seeing pulling is more helpful than pushing.  The image that comes to my mind is that when pulling, you are bringing someone or some thing closer to you, while pushing is distancing yourself from someone or something. The only intent of this blog, to influence others who are in a position where I was, that there is help out there.  However they have to do the work themselves, and want to make the change. I can’t force you, but I would hope you would consider what I am saying, and at least try. Just be prepared to face resistance, in fact expect it, and prepare for it. 

This next concept was easy for me.  Thought is a mental process of bringing something inside us, or internalize it.  We hear or see, or read something, and then have to bring that inside of us. We do this constantly all the time. We hear a lecture, or read a book, and we have to bring that inside ourselves in a way that we can recall it later, like for an exam.  This process may be quick to some, and slow to others, but in either case, thought is bringing into ones mind a new concept.  (Perhaps the biggest challenge is being able to recall that thought at the time it is needed, as in an exam.)  I would add here, that if that thought is not true, or correct, it will cause us some trouble or conflict down the road, until we have the truth, or correct thing in mind.

Perception is the awareness of something.  That perception may, or may not be accurate. This can become a bit challenging. To elaborate on this for a bit, how many times are we so involved in something, that when we check what time it is, hours have gone by.  Our perception of time was not accurate, during this time.  Likewise, a person’s conception of time when they have to practice the piano, is that time stands still.  So it is with things that go on around us.  Even things we may see, or hear, our perception can be off, for whatever reason.  If there are several witness to an accident, they all saw the same thing, yet they all saw it through a different perception, and thus their stories will be different.

The last concept for this post is this.  You can think then see, or see then think, but those two things always have to happen before you have the urge to do something.  I will not comment on this more, as when I thought on this, I couldn't think of any examples that caused me to disagree with it.  To me, this is about as natural as you can get. Example: I had thought of something I wanted, and saw the room in my mind I needed to go to, so I went there. (However, that doesn't mean when I got to that room I could remember why I went there.  That’s ‘sometimers’, sometimes I forget what I went to do, but that is another subject.) 

What do these words and concepts have to do with motivation?  Continue to hang in there with me.  We have a few more posts, and then you can realize there is a system here we all go through, mostly at lightening speed. As we put all of these together, we can work on our weak areas to get motivated.

Next post: Motivation part 3   


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