Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Motivation 4, conclusion

Need exist outside ourselves.  Want is inside.  Want always comes before need.  A need is something that satisfy a want. Did I just confused your mind with this statement?

I had a challenge with this concept.  I don’t think I fully realized it while I was taking this course on motivation, but as I reflect back to a class I had in high school, I had a teacher who taught me that we, as humans, only have three needs. Food, clothing, and shelter, and everything else is a want.  As students in that class, we all felt that showers were needs, and she insisted that they were wants.  Now perhaps as I reflect back on this, my perception of the class, or the subject at hand was off.  I would say that there are only three needs to sustain life, food for energy for our bodies, clothes, to keep us warm from the cold, as well as decency, and shelter, so we can protect ourselves from diseases that will come to us from weather changes.  So, what about the 'need' for a shower?  We have to want to shower, before a need exists.  If we can't smell, or desire to remove dirt off of us as we sweat, there is no need for us to take a shower. It doesn't mean we won't offend someone else by our lack of shower, but without want, there will be no need to shower.  We see conflict all around us.  In all reality, the people who feel they 'need' to take action, such as civil disobedience, actually want to do that.  Want is inside, need is outside.  A person would not participate in those actions, if they didn't want to.  This causes one's eyes to widen as they reflect upon this.

Emotion is the energy that makes us take action.  Pleasure is the strongest emotion we have.  The greater the emotion, the greater the action taken.  Outside influence can happen here.  Positive reinforcement (pleasure) is greater than negative (pain).  Perhaps the best way to comment on this is to think about all advertisements.  If they are on TV or radio, they have usually 30 seconds of your time.  In a book, or magazine, or internet, they have only the length of time you will look at that article until you go to the next page.  They are all designed to tug at your emotions.  The picture perfect home, the starving child somewhere, the perfect body, the cool design of a car, and the list is endless.  Unless they arouse your emotions, they know no action will be taken.  They also know that once a picture is in your mind, it is hard for it to leave, and over time, and other advertisements, and knowing your wants and needs change, they want you to remember their add. Emotions are stirred up when a group of people do something to another group of people.  As conflicts arise around us, emotions inside us are being aroused, and eventually, we will join one side with our emotions, physically, financially, or some other way.  But it was our emotions that were stirred that caused us to do something. Even as simple as being hungry, you go fix yourself a sandwich, to settle the hunger emotion you are experiencing.

Successful people are very aware of the power of emotions, and they chose very carefully the people they hang out with, the places they go, the TV, movies, and entertainment they chose to see.  All of these, and much more, has the power to cause emotions, and when the emotions are affected enough, change will happen.  Successful people know that emotions can do one of two things, either drag you down, or lift you up as a person.  Where do we want to go personally?  Thus, a huge part of motivation are the emotions that are stirred up inside us, and if we are around wrong sources or people, we won’t get to where we desire to go. We change the want into a need through the emotion.  Emotion is the energy to consequence (self, making change happen) want into need.

Intention is created by emotion, and the urge to satisfy.  So the question I have to ask now, at the end of motivation, is, ‘Have I stirred up enough emotion in you, so that you have an inward want, to have this need (help and assistance) to consequence (self, making change happen), to apply enough internal force on ourselves, so we can overcome the resistance that will come, as we try to improve ourselves?

If not, I have tried.  However, you now have the steps in motivation.  Go through them one by one.  You can be like I was, and try to argue, or disagree with something for whatever reason, and that is fine.  However, if you are lacking in motivation, instead of saying this is too hard, or that isn’t right, work on making the changes needed inside yourself, and see what happens. I am.  It is amazing at how my life has changed.  I would invite, and encourage you to do likewise.

Next Post: Winnie the Pooh and Motivation

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